C-CAP | High Resolution Land Cover | Phase 2 Expanded Categories

NOAA Logo Phase 2 Expanded Categories


High Resolution Phase 2 products include an additional set of categories (~20 classes) from those mapped within our Phase 1 data, and include additional features such as wetlands. 


NOAA has made a distinction between data produced prior to 2024 and those newer products produced after 2023. While produced at similar resolutions the two versions did differ in the methodologies and technologies used. As such, users should avoid directly comparing the two for the purposes of compiling change information. NOAA plans to update and improve all past data to our new standard, but has not yet set a complete schedule for completion.


Learn more about high resolution C-CAP land cover data at https://coast.noaa.gov/digitalcoast/data/ccaphighres.html


Sub Directories

Land Cover post 2023
Legacy Land Cover pre 2024

Organizational Information

Website Owner: NOAA Office for Coastal Management | Last Modified: Sat Jul 6 03:35:53 2024