***Stereo products organization*** (provide stereo_readme.pdf) ***Ortho products organization*** Ortho imagery can be found inside the associated 'orthos' folders. Filenaming convention: hxip_m_latlong_quadrant_UTMzone_GSDinCM.tif example: hxip_m_4007424_ne4_18_15.tif ***DSM point cloud products organization*** Delivery folders contain Leica ADS pushbroom pointclouds generated using the Semi-Global Matching (SGM) algorithm. DSM point cloud products are organized into subfolders according to LineID. area\product\LineID example: \2018_hxip_ny_urban_z18\20cm_sgm\008_503_190604_1258_\ where LineID is line#_sensorID_YYMMDD_HHMM example: 008_503_190604_1258_ ADS100 DSM have 4 products per file index as labelled in the filename: "FCIR" - False Color InfraRed color encoding at full resolution "FCIR_Thinned" - False Color InfraRed color encoding with 2:1 point thinning "RGB" - RGB Color encoding at full resolution "RGB_Thinned" - RGB Color encoding at 2:1 point thinning Filenaming convention: DSMproduct_LineID_rowStart_colEnd_rowEnd.laz example: FCIR_008_503_190604_1258__0_283040_2208.laz ***20cm Urban SGM vs 40cm WAC SGM*** High resolution Semi-Global Matching (SGM) on imagery to extract points at the nominal GSD from flight planning. Wide area coverages are planned with nominal image overlap to ensure 100% coverage for orthoimage mapping products. Urban coverages are planned with additional images to limit stereo occlusion by tall structures and are suitable for modeling over central business districts. Features represented include open terrain surface heights; roads, embankments, buildings, forest canopy top and cultivated fields tops. ***DSM raster products organization*** Elevation rasters can be found inside the associated 'dsm' folders. Filenaming convention matches the YYYY_hxip_blockID_UTMzone_resolutionMeters.img example: 2020_hxip_seattle_wa_z10_40cm_msl.img, unless tiled to reduce data volumes. File format is typically Erdas Imagine file (.img extension with associated .ige for large files), unless otherwise requested. Files are in 32bit floating point format and are raster versions of unfiltered DSM point clouds. ***metadata organization*** "*LAZ_index.shp" contains DSM point cloud indexing. "*seams_wgs84.shp" contains detailed descriptions of flight acquisition with start and end times in local time.